
If you haven’t guessed from the post title, we are about to head off to Japan, making this our fourth trip there. Our previous ones were 2006, 2007 and 2011, all before we started our travel blogs.

We love travelling to Japan. There’s so much that we still haven’t seen, and many places we’d love to visit again. We also have a couple of lovely young friends there, whom we like to see. So, this trip will combine some catching up (which necessitates revisiting places we’ve seen before) and checking out new regions.

Korakuen, Okayama, 2011

The way I see it, there are two main ways of travelling. One is to plan it all out in advance. This has the advantage of reducing stress, maximising sightseeing time, and helping ensure you don’t miss out on the must-sees because you arrive on the day that that museum (or whatever) is closed. The other way is to plan nothing, and wing it, which provides for spontaneity and serendipitous finds that you just can’t get if you’ve planned to the hilt. We tend to the former, but like to leave some wriggle room to enable the odd surprise. It’s worked well for us in Japan in the past.

So, the practicalities … we hope, depending on energy levels, to write most days to keep in touch with family – but we are very happy for interested friends to follow us too. Your options are:

  • to receive email notifications of our posts as we publish them, please subscribe using the subscription box in the right side-bar.
  • to just check out the blog randomly/irregularly, use this url.
  • to ignore this altogether. We won’t know!

If you’d like some idea of where we are going, please check our very basic itinerary (see the Menu Bar). And, if you have any suggestions, do leave us a message via our Contact Page (also on the Menu Bar).

Finally, we love comments, which you can make through the Comment box at the bottom of each post. Please note though that our comment moderation means that the first time you comment, it won’t appear immediately. However, once we’ve approved that first comment, your future comments should display as soon as you submit them. We’ll try to reply promptly … particularly if you ask us a question … but if we don’t, it will be because we are out there having fun, or we’re asleep!